Saturday, November 30, 2019

The UK Banking Practice that led to financial crisis

Table of Contents Introduction Organizational context Literature review Sample Methods Constrains, limitation and ethical issues References Introduction The issue of the global crisis is of great importance to business management and aspects of finance in any country. Crisis of the magnitude that was experienced is a real threat to the economy of any country and it is imperative for people to learn as much as they can to avoid the circumstance that lead to the crisis.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The UK Banking Practice that led to financial crisis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In The UK the financial crisis was less hard hitting than it was in the USA. The crisis is attributed to the mortgage business and chiefly to the lending services of banks. The culprit was banking practices that were not adequately regulated and not well adapted to changes. As a result, when the problems started arising it was too late to make any real changes. The government has tried its best to cushion the economy and has been successful in getting things back to normal little by little. It is only when the banking problems that led to the crisis are understood that measures against such a future problem can be anticipated and prevented. In the UK the crisis affected businesses as well as individuals. With a sluggish economy many consumers felt the pinch in spending and as a result, the economy suffered even more as spending became limited. Organizational context The research will be carried out in the organizational context of policies that govern the banking industry. This will reveal more directly the role that banks play and examine whether the policies facilitated in creation of the crisis. When the crisis was a phenomenon of banks in general it follows that there are certain characteristics of their practices that lent themselves to the crisis. Literature review According to Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (2002), one of the most important factors in banking is deposit insurance. Deposit insurance provides security in financial circles and enable economic crisis to e handled in ways that are not debilitating to the country. Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (2002), examined evidence taken from sixty-one banks between 1980 and 1997. Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (2002), found that for bank stability deposit insurance is necessary. These insurances are especially helpful in circumstances where there exists little regulation of interest rates. Additionally if the institutional environment is not strong, the insurance serves to create stability.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the case of UK crisis, the banking practices did not require explicit insurance that was relational to the risk taken. As a result the risks far outweighed the insurance. Even with th e insurance compensation, the banks fell short of the amounts they needed to recoup. Goodhart (2008) offers the basic reasons why the crisis happened. What was reported in the USA had similarities with what was going on in the UK. Goodhart (2008) states the main reasons behind the crisis was mortgage backed securities, seemingly surpluses in global savings and macrostability (Goodhart 2008). As a result the market was overconfident and investments were not carefully construed. The UK drive to the crisis was the credit crunch. The credit crunch however was itself a direct result of the defaults in mortgage repayment and falling prices for the houses (Goodhart 2008). In addition, investor confidence was shaken and many tried to make withdrawals form banks and even long term securities. According to LaBrosse (2008), one of the reasons that the UK authorities decide to review the financial safety net was because of the crisis witness in the Nothern Rck Plc. The crisis revealed major fai lings in provision of adequate financial safety in cases of need. According to LaBrosse, the UK authorities responded by issuing recommendations for the protection of depositors and in addition they suggested some reforms to the banking practices. According to LaBrosse (2008), one of the reasons for the crisis was due to no mandated regulators to minimize risk. This led to banks taking aggressive risks which did put the depositors’ accounts into risk. These choices were made without the appreciation of the long-term consequences of such risks. The taxpayers have also been furnished with little awareness and as a result they wee not able to make financially sound decisions. One of the consequences was that as soon as many realized the financial difficulties of financial institutions, they went ahead to withdraw their money from banks and other institutions. As a result, financial institutions were pushed towards bankrupts. In order to deal with the problem, one of the recommen dations by UK authorities is for the use of a financial agency that is independent and which will work to minimize risk (Lacrosse 2008). The FSCS can then liaise with parliament to come up with effective means of protecting depositors and tax payers. Public awareness would also be increased to avoid panic among depositors and increase sound judgment.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The UK Banking Practice that led to financial crisis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mcllroy (2008), also found that the reason for the crisis was the lack of sufficient trigger mechanisms in the financial sector. Had the triggers been in palace, the safety systems would have been able to respond in a timely manner and avoid further threats to the economy. According to Mcllroy (2008), to fully ensure financial stability the system lacked sufficient credible approach. Such an approach is important in order to regulate standar ds, supervision and management of smaller institutions so that they do not affect the entire system. However failure to have these support in pace aggravated the financial problems and instigated the crisis. Additionally Mcllroy (2008), states that due to the taxation procedures institutions that were taking excessive risks did not pay more taxes for their insurance. Had they paid more there would have been an easier way to recover losses for banks. Crick (1927) discussed the various ways in which banks manage their reserves. As they get investment, banks also lend money out. However they retain a certain amount so that their clients can also make withdrawals. It is the balance between the money lent and the money available for withdrawal that banks need to balance to ensure smooth running of their institutions. This is what is known as fractional reserve banking. This was one of the critical mistakes that banks in the UK made. They took too much risk and minimized their reserve. Th is in turn affected the mortgage sector. It is this practice that led to seeming surplus of cash in the world and the subsequent crisis. Shin (2009) explains the cause of the financial crisis to have had its origins in the Rock’s Bank depositor run. This had a negative effect on other banks with investor confidence shaken. The main cause of the Rock Bank problem was as a result of dependency on short term investment it took with investment institutions Lastra (2008) agrees with the effect that Bock bank had and the subsequent response of investor. According to Lastra (2008), bank regulations played a big part in the progression of the crisis. If there had been sufficient measures to aid the banks which were undergoing distress the crisis might not have progressed at the rate or extent that it did. According to Bicksler (2008), two factors have been proposed as the causes of the crisis and in particular the sub prime mortgage problems. One of this of the reasons has been given as inappropriate incentives that were geared towards securitization. The second reason given has been that there was mismanagement of information whereby financial institutions, investment securitizes and investors did not have adequate information to sufficiently balance the flow of money in the mortgage sector.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Haubrich and Thomson (2008) state that due to the collective role that banks play in the financial industry it is by umbrella regulation that crisis can be effectively evaded. Accordingly having the government as part of the regulating team is beneficial so that there is more cohesion in regulatory measures. According to Bicksler (2008), a study into the issue has given evidence that indeed the securitization caused significant risks to be taken when determining the mortgages to approve. As a result greater risks were taken. In due course because of lack of sufficient management of risk there were more cases of default. Bicksler cites studies conducted that indicated that mortgages were given to increasingly less income applicants and with the loans came higher cases of default than would have occurred of the approval had not been lowered. In addition Bicksler states that loan borrowers were often not aware of the transactional cost and interest rates and as a result, they made deci sions that were too taxing increasing default rates. Bicksler (2008) examined studies that have been done regarding homeowners and found that indeed many of them were not sufficiently informed about the taxes, fees and interests that their purchases would accrue. According to Bicksler (2008), economics attribute much of the financial crisis in the mortgage sector to the homebuyers’ financial illiteracy. Another important contribution to banking practices and the crisis is what Schwartz and Seabrooke (2008) regarded as relationship between the political and economic realities with finances. According to Schwartz and Seabrooke (2008), there exists a strong relationship between the financial institutions and politics. As a result, banking financial institutions can be influenced by the politics of the land and negatively affect their activities or practices. Additionally, the UK insurance which is mostly managed by government is not as effective as those run by private sector. T his is because negative impact in the deposits is higher government run schemes. One of the points that Schwartz and Seabrooke (2008) make is that housing finance which is mostly conducted by banks has ballot box implications. As a result politicians are not always quick to respond to the situation and downplay the extent of the crisis for political reasons. The crisis was an indicator of problems that the UK authorities would want to deal with before losing public confidence. The public reaction is also tied in with preference for interest taxes, taxation and spending. The banking system which ought to be more accountable relied on the government to cushion their losses. However, it is important for banks to have independent overseers who can be expected to be neutral and respond to financial issues with the investors’ interest. Schwartz and Seabrooke (2008) argue that in an economy where there are housing ownership inequalities, many people take advantage of additional mean to get loans so that they can escape taxes or defer their loan payments. This presented problems to banking systems which require the repayments for their running. As Schwartz and Seabrooke (2008) found out some of the people who acquired new mortgage loans were purchasing second homes or refinancing. There was therefore a financial burden placed on banks leading to the financial crisis. Honohan and Klingebiel (2003) support Schwartz and Seabrooke (2008) in stating that banking lending and repayment is a delicate procedure. Honohan and Klingebiel (2003) states that all economies that face crisis find that they need to drastically reform their banking system. This underscores the importance of banking systems to the stability of a country’s financial stability. In the face of a crisis like the one in UK, banking practices did not rise up to the occasion as they required accommodating policies. These policies are inclusive of limited recapitalization, government bail out, open -ended liquidity support and blanket deposit guarantees. These measures spread over to several banks led to fiscal cut backs. As government spending was limited the effect was further passed to tax payers leading to aggravation of the financial crisis. The Office for National Statistics (2010) has released correction notice that is mean to serve as an indicator of measures that will be used in future to generate intervention to prevent crisis. This is because the government realized that early intervention is critical to containing the effects of financial instabilities. The bank sector for example is one in which information to users can greatly enhance their knowledge of changing economic situations. This can help people to make better decisions and be aware of the trends. Sample The sample will consist of several banks in different towns and of different sizes. The sample will be selected randomly to ensure that different types of banks are represented. The sample will consist of Mortgage loans data from banks and lending repayment. In addition it will include the policies regarding mortgage loans. Methods The method to be used will be data from banks and economic statistics. The survey will examine banks policies in issuing mortgage loans, interest rates and rates of defaulting. Constrains, limitation and ethical issues One of the constrains of the research is that it cannot cover all the areas that would be poignant to the study. Financial situations are affected by more than just one factor. As a result, interdependent factors should be examined to ascertain the proper conclusions are reached. A limitation for the study will be finances. In order to undertake a good research the research would require a lot of finances to study as many banks as possible. In addition, a study of government and its financial policies would enrich the study and make it comprehensive. Limitation of time will also be experienced. With a limited time frame the study can not be as broad as it could be. The sample will have to be representative of other banks. One of the ethical issues will be confidentiality. Since the financial transactions of bank customers are supposed to be confidential and private, the study will need to come up with a way of ensuring that personal information is excluded from the study. Personal or identifying data will be exempted form the study. Another ethical issue will be maintaining confidentiality of bank information. Banks also have information that they like to keep private. The study will ensure that all confidential materials are kept confidential. The research will provide confidential agreements so that those they deal with can be assured of their privacy and confidentiality. References Bicksler, J., (2008) The sub prime mortgage debacle and its and its linkages to corporate governance. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 5 (4), pp. 295-300. Crick, W. F., (1927) The genesis of bank deposits. Economica, 7 (20), pp.191–202. Demirguc-kunt, A. and Detragiache, S., (20020 Does deposit insurance increase banking system stability? An empirical investigation. Journal of Monetary Economics, 47 (7), pp 1373-1406 Goodhart, C. A., (2008) The background to the 2007 financial crisis. International  Economics and Economic Policy, 4(4), pp. 331-346. Haubrich, J. G. and Thomson, J. B., (2008) Umbrella supervision and the role of the central bank. Journal of Banking Regulation, 10 (1), pp. 17-27. Honohan, P. and Klingebiel, D., (2003) The fiscal cost implications of an accommodating approach to banking crises. Journal of Banking and Finance, 27 (8), pp 1539–1560. LaBrosse, J. R., (2008) Time to fix the plumbing: Improving the UK framework following the collapse f Northern Rock. Journal of Banking Regulation, 9 (4), pp 293-301. Lastra, R. M., (2008) Nort Rock UK Bank insolvency and cross-border bank insolvency.  Journal of Banking Regulation, 9 (3), pp.165–186. Mcllroy, D. H. , (2008) Regulating risk: a risk measured response to the banking crisis.  Journal of Banking Regulation, 9 (4), pp. 284-292. Office for National Statistics., (2010) Financial crisis and recession: How ONS has addressed the statistical and analytical challenges. Economic and Labor Market Review, 4 (1), pp. 30-35. 10. Schwartz, H. and  Seabrooke, L., (2008) varieties of residential capitalism in the international political economy: old welfare states and the new politics of housing. Comparative European Politics, 6 (3), pp. 237–261. Shin, H. S.,(2009) Reflections on Northern Rock: the bank run that heralded the global financial crisis. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23 (1), pp. 101–119. This research paper on The UK Banking Practice that led to financial crisis was written and submitted by user Maxx Bates to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Italian Adverbs of Manner - Avverbi di Modo

Italian Adverbs of Manner - Avverbi di Modo In English, adverbs of manner (avverbi di modo) are ones that end in -ly, like carefully or slowly. They indicate the way (the manner) in which an action takes place. Mia madre cucina egregiamente. - My mom cooks very well.La neve cade morbidamente sul davanzale della finestra. - The snow falls softly on the windowsill.Sono andato in fretta e furia dal dottore perchà ¨ non mi sentivo bene. - I hurried quickly to the doctor because I was not feeling well.Devi mescolare energicamente il composto prima di passare la teglia nel forno. - You must stir the mixture vigorously before transferring the pan to the oven. Which adverbs end in -mente? adverbs ending in -mente, which are the most numerous, and are formed by adding the suffix  to: The feminine form ending in -a: Alta- altamente high- highlyAspra- aspramente bitter- bitterlyCalorosa- calorosamente warm- warmlyOnesta- onestamente honest- honestly Adjectives ending in -e: Felice- felicemente happy- happilyForte- fortemente strong- stronglyLieve- lievemente slight- slightly NOTE: adjectives ending with the syllables -le and -re that are preceded by a vowel lose the final -e before adding the suffix -mente: Abile- abilmente skillful- skillfullyAgevole- agevolmente easy- easilyRegolare- regolarmente regular- regularly Adjectives ending in -lo: Benevolo- benevolmente kind- kindlyMalevolo- malevolmente spiteful- spitefully NOTE: the suffix -mente cannot be added to adjectives indicating color as well as a small number of other adjectives such as buono - good, cattivo - bad, giovane - young, vecchio - old. Adverbs ending with the suffix -oni, which is added to nouns and to forms derived from verbs: Ginocchio- ginocchioni knee- kneelingPenzolo- penzoloni bunch, cluster- hanging, danglingTastare- tastoni to feel, to probe- gropingly Adverbs which take the singular masculine form of certain aggettivi qualificativi (qualifying adjectives): Vederci chiaro - to see it clearlyCamminare piano - to walk slowlyParlare forte - to speak loudlyGuardare storto - to look askewRispondere giusto - to answer correctly Several adverbs, which are derived from Latin: Bene - wellMale - badlyMeglio - betterPeggio - worse Locuzioni avverbiali di modo (adverbs of manner idioms), of which there are several, including: allimpazzata - wildlya pià ¹ non posso - like crazya piedi - by footdi corsa - in a rushdi sicuro - surely, certainlydi solito - usuallyin fretta - quickly, fastin un batter docchio - in the blink of an eye The Origin of Adverbs of Manner An avverbio di modo that ends with the suffix -mente is derived from a Latin phrase consisting of an adjective and the noun mente: for example, the Latin devota mente means with devout intent, with devout feeling; sana mente means with sound purpose, with good purpose and so on. Over time the recurring use evolved; the second element of the phrase lost both its nominal quality as well as its semantic value and became a simple suffix. Thus was born the adverb: devotamente (devout), sanamente (soundly), fortemente (loudly). In any case, the adverb of manner maintains clear evidence of its former phrase state: the female gender of the adjective (devotamente, not devotomente, given that the Latin noun mente is feminine). Adverbs ending in -mente replaced vulgar Latin adverbs ending in -e and classical Latin adverbs ending in -iter: for example, devotamente substituted for the Latin devote, and solamente substituted for singulariter.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Robert E Lees Civil War Battles

Robert E Lee's Civil War Battles Robert E. Lee was the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia from 1862 to the Civil Wars end. In this role, he was arguably the most significant general of the Civil War. His ability to gain the most from his commanders and men allowed the Confederacy to maintain its defiance of the north against increasing odds. Lee was the principal commander in several Civil War battles. Battle of Cheat Mountain, September 12-15, 1861 This was the first battle where General Lee led Confederate troops in the Civil War, serving under Brigadier General Albert Rust. He fought against Brigadier General Joseph Reynolds entrenchments at the top of Cheat Mountain in western Virginia. Federal resistance was fierce, and Lee eventually called off the attack. He was recalled to Richmond on October 30, achieving few results in western Virginia. This was a Union victory. Battles of Seven Days, June 25-July 1, 1862 On June 1, 1862, Lee was given command of the Army of Northern Virginia. Between  June 25th to July 1st, 1862, he led his troops into seven battles, collectively called the Battles of Seven Days.   Oak Grove: The Union army attacked in a swampy area. When darkness descended, the Union army retreated. The results of this battle were inconclusive.Beaver Dam Creek or Mechanicsville: Robert E. Lee pushed against General McClellans right flank. The Union army was able to hold back the attackers with heavy casualties. However, the arrival of Stonewall Jacksons troops meant that the Union position was pushed back. Nonetheless, this was a Union victory.  Gaines  Mill: Lee led his troops against a fortified Union position north of the Chickahominy River. The Confederates were eventually able to push the Union soldiers back across the river, resulting in a Confederate victory.  Garnetts and Goldings Farms: Confederate Major General John B. Magruder under Lees command fought against the Union line that was stationed south of the Chickahominy River while Lee was fighting at Gaines Mill. The results of this fighting were inconclusive.  Savages Station and Allens Farm: Both these bat tles occurred on June 29, 1862, the fourth day of fighting during the Seven Days Battles. The Union was  retreating after deciding not to advance on Richmond. Robert E. Lee sent his forces after the Union troops,  and they met in battle. However, the results of both of these battles were inconclusive. Glendale/White Oak Swamp: These two battles occurred as the Union troops were retreating. Stonewall Jacksons troops were kept tied up in the battle at White Oak Swamp, while the rest of the army tried to stop the retreat at Glendale. In the end, the battle was inconclusive.  Malvern Hill: The Confederates under Lee tried unsuccessfully to attack the Unions fortified position on top of Malvern Hill. Confederate losses were high.  McClellan withdrew to the James River, ending the Peninsula Campaign. This was a Union victory. Second Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, August 25-27, 1862 The most decisive battle of the Northern Virginia Campaign, troops led by Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet were able to score a huge win for the Confederacy.   Battle of  South Mountain, September 14, 1862 This battle occurred as part of the Maryland Campaign. The Union army was able to take over Lees position on South Mountain. However, McClellan failed to pursue Lees devastated army on the 15th, which meant Lee had time to regroup at Sharpsburg.   Battle of Antietam, September 16-18, 1862 McClellan finally met with Lees troops on the 16th. The bloodiest day of battle during the Civil War occurred on September 17th. The Federal troops had a huge advantage in numbers, but  Lee continued to fight with all his forces. He was able to hold off the federal advance while his troops retreated across the Potomac to Virginia. The results were inconclusive, though strategically important for the Union army.   Battle of  Fredericksburg, December 11-15, 1862 Union Major General Ambrose Burnside tried to take Fredericksburg. The Confederates occupied the surrounding heights. They repelled numerous attacks. Burnside decided in the end to retreat. This was a Confederate victory.   Battle of Chancellorsville, April 30-May 6, 1863 Considered by many to be Lees greatest victory, he marched his troops to meet the federal troops who were trying to advance on the Confederate position. The Union force led by Major General Joseph Hooker decided to form a defense at Chancellorsville. Stonewall Jackson led his troops against the exposed Federal left flank, decisively crushing the enemy. In the end, the Union line broke and they retreated. Lee lost one of his most able generals when Jackson was killed by friendly fire. This was a Confederate victory. Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863 In the Battle of Gettysburg, Lee attempted a full assault against the Union forces led by Major General George Meade. Fighting was fierce on both sides. However, the Union army was able to repulse the Confederates. This was a key Union victory. Battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864 The Battle of the Wilderness was the first of  General Ulysses S. Grants offensive into Northern Virginia during the Overland Campaign. Fighting was fierce,  but the results were inconclusive. Grant, however, did not retreat.   Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, May 8-21, 1864 Grant and Meade tried to continue their march to Richmond in the Overland Campaign but were stopped at Spotsylvania Courthouse. Over the next two weeks, a number of battles occurred, resulting in 30,000 total casualties. The results were inconclusive, but Grant was able to continue his march to Richmond. Overland Campaign, May 31-June 12, 1864 The Union Army under Grant continued to make their advance in the Overland Campaign. They made headway to Cold Harbor. However, on June 2, both armies were on the field of battle stretching seven miles. Grant ordered an attack that resulted in a rout for his men. He eventually left the field of battle, choosing to approach Richmond through the less well-defended town of  Petersburg. This was a Confederate victory. Battle of  Deep Bottom, August 13-20, 1864 The Union Army crossed the James River at Deep Bottom to start threatening Richmond. They were unsuccessful, however, as Confederate counterattacks drove them out. They eventually retreated back to the other side of the James River. Battle of Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865 General Robert E. Lee attempted at Appomattox Court House to escape the Union troops and head towards Lynchburg, where supplies were waiting. However, Union reinforcements made this impossible. Lee surrendered to Grant.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Multinational enterprises from the Asia Pacific in the global economy Essay

Multinational enterprises from the Asia Pacific in the global economy - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that multinational corporations are enterprises that a base in a particular country, but with a number of subsidiaries abroad. Most of these multinational enterprises are state owned organizations and receive numerous supports from the government. In the recent past, there has been a rise and growing role of multinational enterprises, particularly in the Asia Pacific region in the global economy. In the past few decades, multinational enterprises from the Asia Pacific were not as dominant and buoyant in the global economy as those in Europe and America. Today, the dynamics have changed and the focus has been shifted to the Multinational enterprises in the Asia Pacific. Research has shown that 29% of multinational enterprises from the globe come from the Pacific Asia. This is out of the over five hundred listed multinationals. In essence, it means that of the 500 listed companies, 145 are from the Pacific Asia region. In the recent past, Chi na alone has added close to about 9 multinationals. This to a large extent sensational in the sense that the global index of companies did not previously indicate a surge in the multinational enterprise. Countries like Japan, China, India, and South Korea continue to dominate the markets in unprecedented rates. The growing influence of these multinationals and their role in the global economy is an interesting phenomenon that warrants some keen interest.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reflection on Peacebuilding Simulation Assignment

Reflection on Peacebuilding Simulation - Assignment Example Mike can de-escalade the conflicts between the communities by acknowledging the needs of both parties and their position. The communities have their differences, and knowing what each community expects from the other is a start. The communities need to be brought down and have a talk about the reason for their uncooperativeness. Addressing such issues might be helpful as the real cause of conflict can be noted. Events that might make the escalation be fully blown might include the rising cases of rapes, vandalism and the children of the Westerners being harassed by the Mendozan and Marenese kids (Fischer & Crowe, 2007). This might make the communities seek vengeance against one another, which will in turn cause full escalation to arise. The normal position amid the two parties is that despite the conflicts, and differences they have, the communities living in Blue River do not want to see the economy of the place deteriorate. That is the reason why they are running their businesses; for the Westerners, the shops are open frequently, compared to others that are fighting to keep their businesses alive. The westerners might not be able to accept the culture of the people who lived there initially; the Mendozans and Marenese, and this might cause more problems to arise. There is a difference in beliefs, traditions and the ways of lives of the communities in Blue River (Malek, 2012). Mike should make sure that the riots do not happen again, and this can be done by looking at the grievances of the communities. If the grievances of the communities of Blue River are not addressed, there is the possibility of another riot. Engaging with the communities is a way in which relationship between the communities can be built. The communities in Blue River cannot meet face to face because of the riot that occurred. Some problems that might arise include murders, continued vandalism and rise in rapes. There should be patrols all over the area, from

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Country lovers Essay Example for Free

Country lovers Essay copy and paste method Screen-reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant. About 2,640,000 results (0. 56 seconds) Search Results country lovers Web definitions The Country Lovers is a 1911 short silent comedy film directed by Mack Sennett and starring Blanche Sweet. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Country_Lovers Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer, an Analysis lee custodio leecustodio. hubpages. com †º Books, Literature, and Writing? Mar 5, 2012 Country Lovers (1975) is a story of forbidden love between a black woman—Thebedi and Paulus, the son of her white masters. It was a story of Country Lovers College Essays StudyMode. com www. studymode. com †º Home †º Literature? above being a line of strung together sentences and give the story meaning. Recently I have had the pleasure of reading the short story â€Å"Country Lovers†, Country Lovers Meaning Free Essays 1 20 StudyMode. com www. studymode. com/subjects/country-lovers-meaning-page1. html? 20+ items Free Essays on Country Lovers Meaning for students. Use our Country Lovers 737 Words 3 Pages. Country Lovers 980 Words 4 Pages. Response to Country Lovers Research Paper Hamdez8 www. studymode. com †º Home †º Linguistics Human Languages? The first thing that captured my interest about the story â€Å"Country Lovers†, by Nadine Literature exists only when it is read; meaning is an event (versus the New Reading Reflection on the short story by Nadine Gordimer, Country www. scribd. com/ /Reading-Reflection-on-the-short-story-by-Nadine-G? Jun 29, 2013 Finally, I had to evaluate the meaning of the selected literary work, which in this case is Country Lovers, by Nadine Gordimer, once again Country Lovers flashcards | Quizlet quizlet. com/5228536/country-lovers-flash-cards/? Vocabulary words for Quotes and Meanings. Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards. Country Lovers Essays Justew53 PaperCamp. com www. papercamp. com †º Literature? Jun 18, 2012 In Nadine Gordimers story, Country Lovers she uses many different methods to describe the meaning behind this story;; An Analysis Of Country Free Country Lovers Vs The Welcome Table Essays 1 30 Anti Essays www. antiessays. com/topics/country-lovers-vs-the-welcome-table/0? Get access to Country Lovers Vs The Welcome Table Essays only from Anti The Welcome Table: discover different human experiences and the meanings. Essay | Analysis of Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer www. bookrags. com/essay-2003/3/6/115012/5149/? Mar 6, 2003 Essays from BookRags provide great ideas for essays and paper topics like Analysis of Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer. View this student Patriotism Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/patriotism? pa ·tri ·ot ·ism. noun ? pa-tre-? -? ti-z? m, chiefly British ? pa-. : love that people feel for their country. Full Definition of PATRIOTISM. : love for or devotion to ones

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Late Anglo-saxon Period Kings :: essays research papers fc

Late Anglo-Saxon Period Kings of Wessex By the time Edward the Martyr took the throne in 975, Christianity was widespread throughout England and the rest of Britain. Edward was born in 963, and was just entering his teenage years when his father, Edgar, died. He made a claim to the throne, as the first son of the king. His half-brother Aethelred, son of the third wife, made another claim (qtd in Britannia 1). Edward was murdered when he rode to visit Aethelred at Corfe is Dorset. Aethelred’s vassals pretended to welcome Edward, and in doing so, stabbed him. It is safe to assume that Aethelred would not have instigated this incident, being a mere seven years of age at the time. Edward was later canonized by his brother and was known as King Edward the Martyr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Following the assassination of his brother, Edward, Aethelred was forced upon the English throne at the age of ten. Aethelred was married twice. His first wife, Elfigfu of Mercia, bore him no less than eleven children. His second marriage to Emma of Normandy produced three children. Throughout his reign as King, he was hindered by the fact that he could not fully trust the support of his generals at a time when the Danish invaders were a constant threat to the English. In an act of futile appeasement, Aethelred attempted to stop Danish cravings by paying what was known as Danegeld. Danegeld was an annual tax believed to have been imposed originally to buy off Danish invaders in England (m-w 1). In 1009, however, the King of the Danes, Sweyn, decided that as well as keeping the territory, and monies he had taken from the English, that he would now take the whole country. Four years later, in 1013, Sweyn had control of England and Aethelred had fled to Normandy to s eek protection from Emma’s brother, Robert the Good. Sweyn died in 1014 and Aethelred reclaimed the English crown for another 2 years before his death at the age of 48 in 1016.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Following the death of Aethelred, there was a bloody war of succession expected to take place between Sweyn’s son, Cnut, and Edmund II, Aethelred’s son. This war, didn’t take place, however, simply because Cnut figured he could made do with Denmark and Norway.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Driving Curfews Violating Teens Rights Essay

A seventeen year old friend of mine headed home from work at 11:00 at night on a Thursday in the month of July. Wanting to raise enough money to go on a band trip to Florida, she needed to work long hours, needing money to pay for her car insurance, she needed to work long hours and wanting to get in as many hours possible in one day, she needed to work long hours. Making money meant so much to her that she would go into work at the drop of a hat. Feeling tired and wanting to get home, she gets in her car, fastens her seat belt and starts her ten minute drive home. It was a dark night with clear sky’s and stars could be seen everywhere. The rode lit by the moon shining bright, when all of a sudden the moon light was not the only light shining in her window. Flashing lights from a police car pulling her over, blinded her as she looked in her rear view mirror. Rolling down her window, a police officer approached her and said in a stern voice, â€Å"Drivers license and proof of insurance. † She had a please-don’t-give-me-a-ticket look on her face as tears filled her eyes and asked, â€Å"What did I do wrong? After looking at the age on her license he responded, â€Å" You are driving past curfew so a ticket needs to be issued. † Trying to tell him about coming home from a hard day at work did not seem to matter, he issued her the ticket anyways. Her fear comparable to fear felt by drivers being pulled on the television show, Cops. After the coast was clear, feeling down in the dumps, she headed home. There is a nighttime driving restriction for drivers ages 16 and 17 years old where they need to be off the road by 10:00 p. m. Sunday through Thursday and by 11:00 p. m.  Friday and Saturday. Eventhough this may seem true, I feel curfews should be determined by parents, not by public laws. A parent should know better then the government if their child is responsible enough to drive past curfew and they should not have to be concerned about their child getting caught driving home late. Curfews have been a huge issue for teens who have to stay out late for school related activities or events. For instance, kids feel like they are penalized when they come home from a school activity past curfew even when they do not have any other choice. Feeling forced to drive later then usual, hoping they do not get pulled over, they head for home after their activity has ended. If a student does get pulled over for driving home after curfew, it is a long shot, but they will have to pray the officer believes their story about coming home from a school sport or activity and let them go free. Curfews should be given to students by their parents, not by the law. If a child acts irresponsible then their parent should have the right to keep them home from the school activity and keep them off the street at night. On the other hand, if a responsible child is out one hour past curfew, not doing anything wrong, it does not mean it should result in getting a ticket. Their parent gave them permission to join the activity in the first place so dropping out of the school related event is not an option. A student should never think of quitting a sport because of a curfew law. It is true, that curfew laws have come about to decrease the amount of crimes, however, this has not been proven true. For example, a survey in the July 1997 York Daily Record found that nearly three quarters of the two hundred largest cities in the United States have implemented curfew laws to lower juvenile crime rates. Statistics showed no support for their claim. Furthermore, teens will participate in illegal activities even if they have a curfew. They will either do it earlier or stay out past curfew and risk getting caught. Besides, most crimes are committed by adults and are more serious and dangerous since they have more resources than children do. The government should trust that parents can make the right decision on what time their child should be home. They need to focus their attention on more important issues like preventing crime from happening in the first place, instead of spending their time on trying to get kids home earlier. Parents of teenagers feel that there is a benefit to having curfews especially for the safety of their children. They expect their child home by curfew. If their child does not arrive home on time, they will know something is wrong and they can seek help faster if their child should need it. Parents feel that having a curfew is a really good excuse to leave an uncomfortable situation, if their child feels they need an excuse to get out of something wrong. Having a curfew also encourages responsibility. It teaches a teen to have respect for rules and laws they may not like or understand. At the same time, parents should remember that they know their teenager best, and they need to set rules according to their own teen. If a responsible teenager has a good record, they should be given more freedom. A mature teen should have the same rights as parents do. Parents do not have to follow a curfew law because they are older and assumed more responsible. Similarly, a mature and responsible teen should have the same rights. In a nutshell, it makes more sense to have curfews determined by parents not by public laws. If a responsible child has earned their parents trust, they should have more freedom. Without this freedom, issues will occur when they need to stay out late for school related activities, events or for a job. Furthermore, curfew laws have shown to do very little to prevent crimes throughout the city. The number of crimes has remained the same since curfew laws went into effect. Without a curfew, teens would get the chance to feel grown up and take responsibility for their own actions. They could drive home safely from school activities or a job with out risking getting a ticket. Since curfews are not helping to decrease the amount of crimes, there is no point of having one. Officers need to concentrate on other ways to prevent crimes in the city without giving teens a set time to be home every night. At any rate, parents want to keep their kids safe so their curfew should always be determined by them not by the law.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Increasing Age Diversity in the Workplace

In this paper we will discuss the factors that relate to the relationship between the employee and employer in regards to age diversity and how organizations can handle this form of diversity. Managers have a unique challenge with having such a diverse workforce as they need to be able to prevent it from occurring. They also need to be watchful as even with the best policies discrimination can still occur and they must be able to handle the quickly and efficiently.No person should feel discriminated against in their place of employment and possibly with everyone adhering to the policies this may one day be the case. Increasing Age Diversity in the Workplace In a country that is diverse as the United States one would think that discrimination would not occur. Unfortunately differences in age, culture, and sex still represent some of those that are being discriminated against. Companies are taking steps to prevent further occurrences but even this is not enough as there are still docum ented cases of discrimination that have occurred.We also have no way of quantifying the amount of cases that have gone unreported. Anti-discrimination laws have been passed, now it is up to the companies to implement policies that adhere to these laws and ensure equal opportunities to all of their employees. As the population begins to age there are several factors that may occur in regards to employment relations. With aging comes an increase is diseases and comorbidities. This represents higher costs in health care for the company and their insurance companies.In order to make up for the increase in costs there may be a need to increase the premiums for those particular patients. The children of the aging patients may also require more flexible scheduling in order to take care of their aging parents, as most families may not be able to afford the costs of assisted living. Managers have a unique challenge when dealing with the age diversity in their companies. Although there is leg islation in place in regards to equality, there is a real gap in between the law and what actually occurs.Each company has their own practices of preventing discrimination in their facilities but it needs to be followed thoroughly. The managers will need to monitor their practices, on a regular basis, to make sure that they are not discriminating against their employees. They themselves may not believe that they are indeed discriminating against anyone but this is where they need to be educated further so that they will be cognizant of their actions.Geert Demuijnck writes in his article, â€Å"The mere fact that practices are designed and implemented does not imply that inequality automatically is reduced† (Demuijnck, 2009). Discrimination is not a straightforward problem. Companies will need to implement policies and possibly change practices several times until there is a satisfactory outcome. Another challenge for managers is the ability for the aging workforce to learn an d implement new technology. By no means does this mean that they cannot learn, but there will need to be programs set in place that will train them to use the new electronics.This will need to be offered to all employees, not just the older population, as you do not want to unintentionally discriminate against the younger employees. It could be voluntary and/or it could be an incentivized program that would give each person who passes the course a certificate and increase in pay. The aging workforce should not be disqualified from working just because there is new technology that is being implemented every day; they just need on the job training to acquaint themselves with the new software and equipment.Managers also need to understand how to work with the vast differences in generations. There are four different generations in the workforce today and the way they interact and perceive their lives and careers are vastly different. Not only will managers needs to be able to accommoda te the aging employees, but they will also need to understand the differences between the generations and equip them to work together to promote their strengths and become productive group.Organizations can cope with the differences with discrimination by setting a clear policy in place and making sure that the policy is distributed to all of their employees. This could be done through a handbook or a pamphlet. Once the policy is in place there should be clearly defined guidelines and penalties for not adhering to the policy. Before the policy is rolled out, managers should be trained on how the policy will work and how they are to identify other employees that are not adhering to the guidelines.The policy should be clear cut as to how an employee may file a complaint. If an employee or another manager is found to be breaking the policy then a progressive penalty system should be issued starting with a verbal warning and progressing to the possibility of being let go from the instit ution. It may not be easy to follow but the policy will need to be adhered to fully. Secondly, if an employee feels discriminated against the organization may have to cope with the legal matters and legal expenses if the person decides to press suit.The expenses may not always be monetary; the expenses could include the time spent by personnel gathering documents for the defense, also loss in morale and reputation. As previously described, companies need to have the policies set in place to prevent discrimination from occurring thereby also preventing litigation and the financial costs associated with it. As companies set policies in place to eliminate discrimination, they must also examine their existing policies to ensure that they do not discriminate in any way.Policies that have mandatory retirement dates may need to be modified or be completely removed. Most positions can be filled with an employee of any age provided, of course, that they have the skills for the position. Earl ier it was discussed that programs could be provided to keep the aging workers up to date with the technical changes, these programs must be offered to each employee. If the companies only offer the programs to specified age groups this could be argued as a form of discrimination. Healthcare premiums are offered at a lower cost if a person is healthy.Naturally when you age your health begins to deteriorate so decreased premiums for those who are younger or healthier may be taken as discrimination. Unfortunately these incentives are put in place to help promote healthier lifestyles but they do, in a way, discriminate against those that are aging. To change this would be difficult. One way would be to stop offering the discounted premiums to those that are healthy all together. Another option would be to offer the discounts not based on what diseases you have but on what kind of lifestyle you live (not smoking, increasing exercise).Certain things such as genetics predispose people tow ards medical conditions that they have no way of preventing and they should not be penalized financially for this. In conclusion, there is no question that there has been a decrease in documented cases of age discrimination over the last several years, but even with the changes made in the workplace we know that it continues. Companies must educate their managers on their anti-discrimination policies and also educate their employees in regards to how to discuss their concerns if they feel that they are being discriminated against.There is no easy answer to the discrimination argument as everyone perceives situations differently. As the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense. Preventing the discrimination from occurring is the offense. Also employees need to feel that discussing their concerns with their managers will not have repercussions on themselves and managers need to be educated in order to handle their concerns properly. This will improve over time but the companies must constantly monitor and make changes as necessary.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The theory of perfect competition ... has little claim to be called ‘competition’ at all, and ... its conclusions are of little use to policy The WritePass Journal

The theory of perfect competition ... has little claim to be called ‘competition’ at all, and ... its conclusions are of little use to policy Abstract The theory of perfect competition has little claim to be called ‘competition’ at all, and its conclusions are of little use to policy , p. 81). All of them have very little power in the market, but sell to their customers. In this instance, there is nothing like perfect competition. Nevertheless, even this is being affected by the development of intensive agri-business in the United States who would enjoy a large market share. Similarly, supermarket chains also use their influence in the market to force down the prices that they pay the farmers. There is no other industry that has several firms; instead, there are a few (Anderson, 2009, p.88). All goods are the same or identical It is required by this concept that all goods and services be similar and regarded as identical. In this manner, companies can only compete on the pricing, thus is one of them reduces its price, and then the customers will immediately rush to it to enjoy the offers. Whereas this applies to the carrots and agriculture, it does not anywhere else. Companies actively attempt to make their goods and services to be distinct from their competitors (Steve, 2009, p.78). They do this by either making a slight difference or even playing as though there are genuine distinctions. For instance, producers go to great levels of proving that their razor is very different and the best in the market that cannot be compared to any other. Another good example can be the various models of cars that are being manufactured by different companies; they appear quite different from one another such that they cannot only be compared in terms of price only (Drexler, 2007, p. 62). This presumption overlooks the f act that several companies compete actively based on the quality of their products. The industry of food has its basis on the similar food that is served in different ways, which makes restaurants to compete mainly on the quality of their foods and not price (Buiter and Ebrahim, 2012, p. 29). Lack of barriers to exit or entry In this concept, it is assumed that if companies in the industry are getting large amounts of profits, then more firms will be attracted to the market. Companies will continue joining the market until the excess profit being earned by the companies is brought back down to the normal rate, but what this normal means has never been stated. There are barriers to entry in nearly all of the industries in the world. Some of the barriers include official or maximum limits like in the legal and medical professions (Johnson and Guillermo, 2012, p. 81). However, the most common is the large amount of funds or resources that are required for a successful entry into the industry by a company. For instance, Irish airlines are only two because the costs of start up in the purchasing of aircraft are so high to afford. Whereas this might be the most clear and obvious instance, nearly all industries involve expenses of set up like the buying of premises and equipment (Petri, 2004, p.52). This greatly prevents companies from making expansions into some other new industries and is a key limit on the number of companies. Moreover, it is believed that companies do not attempt to prevent some other new potential competitors by either collusion or reducing their prices for a short term in order to discourage the new entrants. Customers have perfect information The assumption is that all customers have the information regarding all that they need to know. Therefore, if one company reduces its prices, then customers will be able to learn about very fast. Customers are believed to have the capability to do a comparison of all businesses and then choose the best to deal with (Anderson and Wincoop, 2008, p.87). They are believed to be in a position of distinguishing the difference in quality between goods and services. If a company seeks to gain advantage by pricing its goods or services lower but their quality is also low, it would quickly be discovered. Apparently, it is true that the customers are not aware of everything and can always be fooled or cheated by the market (Anderson and Wincoop, 2008, p.89). A good case in instance is advertising, which convinces consumers that the two services or goods that are similar are different in real sense. In some other instance, the consumers are convinced to purchase the goods and services that are o f low quality. Consumers sometimes usually do not know the best quality of good that they should purchase or the cheapest price Anderson and Wincoop, 2008, p.90). All companies have equal access to the technology and resources with reducing or constant returns to scale This concept or assumption has some other faulty presumptions that believe that all companies are on the same level. It is therefore impossible for one company to adapt or even invent a new technology ahead of its competitors; but instead it comes from a source that is not known and its distribution is done in a simultaneous and equal manner (Roark, 2006, p. 90). Similarly, it is presumed that all companies use similar resources in the say ways, and no company might be more competent than the other. It is also assumed that there is nothing like economies of scale, considering that were are at the core of industrial revolution and the concept of capitalist is itself ridiculous (Machovec,   2008, p.67). If one company made the economies of scale available, then its goods and services would be soles at a lower price, its sales would be increased, meaning that it would become more competent, enabling it to sell its products as a lower cost until it assumes the market dominance. It is t hus true that for a perfect competition to be feasible, economies of scale should not be there, but an industry filled with small cottage factories (Bernhofen and Brown, 2005, p.54). More so, the concept has the assumption that there is nothing like loyalty to brand, that customers will run away from their usual company when they are suited. It also assumes that there is nothing like promotions for convincing the people to purchase a particular product that they would not have otherwise purchased. There are also not costs of transportation and all of the companies can access the same markets equally such that there is no regional or local advantage (Obstfeld, 2012, p. 92). Conclusion Perfect competition can only exist in a world where time is not moving, and that is definitely an impossibility. There cannot be growth of industry via enhancing proficiency or new innovations. Companies do not invest or even save in the future. If a company makes losses and is not able to weather the storm, it goes bankrupt. It is a world where there is nothing like profit and it is treated just like sex in the Victorian era; it something that happens but people pretend that it does not. This concept is the model of all the conservatives and the neo-classical economics’ bedrock. Sadly, it does not exist in the ideal world with the exception of agriculture. The theory only exists in the minds of those who admire it and in the papers. It cannot be found or applied anywhere where it should count. Like all the perfection dreams, perfect competition should be recognized for what it is; that is something that can never be real. Bibliography Anderson, J E. and Wincoop, E 2008, Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle, American Economic Review 93, pp. 170-192. Bernhofen, D M. and Brown J 2005, An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade: Evidence from Japan, American Economic Review 95, pp. 208-225. Bown, C P. and Meredith A C 2007, Trade Deflection and Trade Depression, Journal of International Economics 72, pp. 176-201. Buchanan, J M., and Wagner, R E 2009, Democracy in Deficit. New York: Academic Press. Buiter, W and Ebrahim R 2012, Rising Risks of Greek Euro Area Exit, Global Economics View. Johnson, R C and Guillermo N 2012, Accounting for Intermediates: Production Sharing and Trade in Value Added, Journal of International Economics 86(2), pp. 224-236. Machovec F 2008, Perfect Competition and the Transformation of Economics, Taylor Francis Obstfeld, M 2012, Does the Current Account Still Matter?, Richard T. Ely Lecture, American Economic Review 102(3), pp. 1-23. Petri, F 2004, General Equilibrium, Capital and Macroeconomics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Steve K 2009, Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences, Pluto Press Australia. Anderson, K 2009, Globalization, WTO, and ASEAN, ASEAN Economic Bulletin 18:1, pp. 12-23. Siegel, J G. and Jae K. S 2008m Finance. New York: Barrons. Roark, W 2006, Concise Encyclopedia of Real Estate Business Terms. Psychology Press. Drexler, K 2007, Icons of Business: An Encyclopedia of Mavericks, Movers, And Shakers. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Pull an All Nighter

How to Pull an All Nighter So you need to pull an all-nighter? Take it from someone who has been there and done that. Its a hard thing to do. Here are tips and tricks to make the most of it, whether youre cramming for a test or have to get that lab report or problem set done before tomorrow. Key Takeaways: How to Pull an All Nighter Staying up all night long to study or complete a project isnt ideal, but sometimes it just needs to be done.If you know youre going to have to burn the midnight oil, go into it prepared. First, make certain its necessary. Try to get rest beforehand. Organize in advance.Working when youre tired doesnt usually lead to as good an outcome as if you had done the job when alert. You may want to drink coffee or another caffeinated beverage to keep going.Finally, plan for the time after the all nighter. If you can get sleep, do so. If youre cramming for a test, nap beforehand if you can, but be sure to set a (loud) alarm. The Disclaimer First, you probably already know sleep deprivation isnt good for you. Dont pull an all-nighter if youre in grade school or middle school. Its not a good plan in high school either. This advice mainly is intended for college students, grad school students and working stiffs who just have to make it through the night. If you dont have to pull an all-nighter... then dont. If you do, heres how to achieve it and what to avoid. Make sure its unavoidable.If youre staying up all night to study, keep in mind cramming is terrible in terms of long-term memory retention. If its to do a job, write a paper or lab or solve problems, expect that the task will take longer than it would if you were well-rested.Organize beforehand.Gather all your materials so that you dont need to go looking for anything later. Dont give yourself any excuses to get off task during the night.Nap.If possible, take a brief nap sometime during the afternoon or early evening. Even 20 minutes may help you. Ideally, you want 2-3 hours. I have had good success catching a nap after drinking one of the sleep-promoting drinks containing valerian or melatonin. If those supplements work for you, fine. If they dont work or you havent tried them, avoid them. No matter what, try to go into the evening as well-rested as possible.Enlist help.If you can, pull your all-nighter with a friend. This could even be an online friend  if that is easier.Make you r environment stimulating.Make it difficult to fall asleep. One helpful trick is to make it as cold as you can stand. It may help to listen to upbeat music or have a movie or television program on in the background to keep you entertained. Try either harsh, irritating music or else pick songs with lyrics and sing along out loud. Tap your feet and move around. If you find yourself dozing off, pinch yourself or rub an ice cube on your face. Avoid caffeine or use it strategically.Caffeine is a stimulant and it can help keep you awake, but you need to plan for the caffeine crash. Caffeine is short-lived in your system. You can expect it to help wake you up somewhere between 10-30 minutes after ingesting it. Youll get between half an hour and 1-1/2 hours of alertness from it. You could drink another cup of coffee or cola, but youll reach a point where your body either stops responding or else youll feel sick or jittery. On the plus side, caffeine is a natural diuretic, so youll need to get up to urinate more often. The activity can help keep you awake, providing you dont allow it to distract you.Nicotine and other stimulants can help keep you awake too, but now is not the time to get experimental. If you smoke or use nicotine, youll know what to expect. Otherwise, try to avoid drugs. Most stimulants will leave you more tired than if you made it through the night without them.ExerciseTake a break for a few minutes every hou r. During that break, get up and move around. Maybe do some jumping jacks or pushups. If you raise your heart rate youll help to wake yourself up. Keep it bright.Your brain is hardwired to be awake during the daytime. Keep your surroundings as bright as possible to help keep yourself awake.Use fear.If you are genuinely frightened by scary movies or paranoid about unlocked doors or windows, then watch that movie or leave the building a little less secure than youd like. Make fear and paranoia into your allies.Eat right.You need energy to make it through the night, but that doesnt mean you need an all-you-can-eat buffet. On the contrary, some people do better staying awake if they are hungry. Ideally, eat small portions of high protein snacks. Nibbling on fresh fruit also is good. Save the pizza, burgers and fries for another time. More Tips To Pull an All-Nighter Drink ice water. The cold actually helps. Also, dehydration can make you sleepy.Apply a bit of menthol petrolatum or lip balm. The cold sensation is stimulating.Add spice to any food you eat. Hot peppers are an option.Set an alarm to go off every half an hour. Turning it off will signal a short break for you. If you fall asleep, at least you wont lose the whole night.If you complete your task early, get some sleep! Set your alarm, so you wont miss that important meeting or deadline and also so you can truly relax. Even an hour or two of rest can help recharge you so youll make it through the day. Things To Avoid Some things will sabotage your efforts to stay away or be productive. Avoid them! Dont drink alcohol. Its a central nervous system depressant that will slow you down even if it doesnt put you to sleep.Dont get comfortable. Avoid working in bed or on a comfortable chair or in a warm room. Dont listen to calming, soothing music. Any of these things can lead to an unintentional nap.Dont take a nap at night. Its too easy to stay asleep. If you have to do this, set a time limit and use a strong alarm to wake yourself up.Avoid eyestrain. If you wear contacts, you may want to take them out. If you are using a computer, turn down the brightness a bit.Avoid fatty, high carbohydrate food. You know how you feel after a big meal? Falling into a food coma would not be helpful! Study Tips and Help Need more help? Learn how to cram (chemistry, but good for other disciplines) and how to write a lab report.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Answer 11 questionsthis is not an essay Assignment

Answer 11 questionsthis is not an essay - Assignment Example The dance was introduced in 1953 by a Cuban violinist called Enrique Jorrà ­n. This dance has split fourth beat. A person begins the dance by starting with the second beat. Enrique also introduced this dance style in London, and it is currently referred to as the ballroom cha-cha (Andrews 7). 3. The rumba music started in Cuba as an integration of many musical practices. Rumba in Cuba is played through both the triple-pulse and the double-pulse structures (Andrews 3). Rumba is rhythmically played using the five-stroke system referred to as clave. The current types of rumba are; Columbia, yambu and guaguanco. The three rumba types are unique, due to different choreography. 4. Samba refers to a Brazilian dance. The dance style originated in Brazil; however, it has African roots which were influenced through slave trade. The Bahian Samba dance is currently a UNESCO Heritage is Humanity (Andrews 10), and it is mostly played in Rio de Janeiro. The samba is traditionally played by various percussion and guitar types. On 2nd December ever year in Brazil, celebration of the Samba National day is held. 5. Carlos Santana is a Mexican American musician, who was very famous in the 1960s and 1970s. His Santana band initiated the integration of Latin American music with rock music. He has won numerous music awards; for example 10 Grammy awards (Andrews 15). The guitar lines of Carlos were usually based on the African and Latin rhythms. His popularity in the world music industry was again felt towards the end of the 1990s. 7. The Andean music ensemble is currently a music type with global audience because; native sounds of the music has been continuously mixed with music form applicable to modern and middle class Europeans. 8. Peruvian wayno is a popular type of Andean music common in Peru, Chile and Argentina. It is performed by various ethic groups, for example the Quechua and the Aymara societies. Its superior character